
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Amazing Video: One Direction would date fans

Amazing Video: One Direction would date fans: One Direction would date fans by itnnews

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Don't Fall For These Auto Repair Tricks

Many of us rely on our cars for some of the most important day-to-day tasks. If something goes wrong, it can be a very scary and stressful experience. Some -- not all, of course -- unscrupulous mechanics prey on that fear in order to make unnecessary repairs that drivers don't need. Watch out for these five unnecessary repairs and upsells the next time you take your car in for service.

1. Flat tire replacement

Most flat tires are caused by screws, nails or other sharp metal objects penetrating the tire. When you get a flat, it's important to mount a spare and take the damaged tire in to a local tire shop. Be wary when the salesman tries to sell you a brand new tire or pair of tires. Most flats can be repaired with a simple $20 patch, so always inquire about a repair before agreeing to an expensive replacement.

2. Radiator coolant replacement

When you take your car in for a routine oil change, sometimes the mechanic will recommend that you also replace your radiator coolant. Radiator coolant is simply water mixed with antifreeze, and it doesn't degrade in the same way as oil. Unless your coolant is contaminated or hasn't been replaced in 100,000 miles, don't fall for this common upsell.

3. "Preventative" oil replacement

Modern cars don't require very frequent oil changes, and modern lubricants last much longer than they used to. If you have a newer car that requires synthetic oil, you can go as long as 15,000 miles between oil changes. Before agreeing to come back for another change in 3,000 miles, check your owner's manual. Changing your oil prematurely is wasteful and unnecessary.

4. Unnecessary air filter replacement

Your car's air filter should only be replaced when it's clogged with dust and grime. Your mechanic should visually inspect the old filter and determine if your car is due for a replacement. Visual inspection on most cars only takes a minute, and shouldn't cost extra. If a mechanic tells you that it's time for a replacement, ask to see the old filter and inspect it for trapped debris. If the mechanic tells you to replace the filter before he's even examined it, chances are it's a typical unnecessary upsell.

5. Overpriced replacement parts

Most auto repair quotes will have a labor component and a parts component. Repair shops make money by performing the necessary labor, and also by marking up the parts. When your mechanic gives you a repair estimate, ask how much the labor costs and how much the parts cost. If the parts are a major cost component, you can always compare prices with your local auto parts store. Since few consumers ask about part costs or know what's reasonable, unscrupulous mechanics often profit from consumers' ignorance.

Why Memorial Day Is A Car Thief's Day To Go To Work

Go ahead. Enjoy your BBQ. But lock your car in a safe place, because Memorial Day is the second-worst day of the year for car theft. Or second best if you are a thief.

Why Memorial Day? One reason is that people tend to vacation over the long weekend or spend all day at barbecues or parties, often leaving their vehicles in strange places. They also inadvertently forget to lock their doors, leave their windows down or even leave an extra key lying around just waiting to be found.

Here is some advice from Inilex, a company that makes theft recovery devices for vehicles, about how to cut down your chances of being without a car by day-end.

1. Especially if you think you might have some drinks, and the party is in an unfamiliar neighborhood, take a cab to and from your holiday party, rather than leaving your car at your destination and cabbing it home.

2. Always park in a well-lit, populated area, such as a busy parking lot or secure garage. Not only is this safer for your car, but it is also safer for you walking to and from it. Don't assume the leafy suburban street is a safe spot. That's a favorite spot for car thieves.

3. Double check that your doors are locked, windows are rolled up and never leave an extra key in or around your car. If you plan to leave your car all day, consider unhooking the car's battery cables.

4. Do not store anything of value in your car. Not only is it an open invitation for crooks, but car insurance won't cover these items if they're stolen.

5. Think about installing a GPS-enabled device that can instantly track your car, if you're one of the unlucky ones and your car is stolen. Not only can this reduce your insurance premium, but modern devices allow you to find your car in the process of being stolen, rather than after it's been stripped for parts.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Enough Is Enough: Sustainability in Business

There is a dark side to economic growth. The relentless pursuit of "more" has ushered in some of humanity's greatest advances, but a toll has been exacted from the environment and the citizens of the globe. In Enough Is Enough, Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill issue a rally cry for a new economy and a new reality. They advocate a transition to a "steady-state economy," where exponential growth and resource exploitation surrenders to lives lived within ecological and social limits. In this brave new world, gross domestic product (GDP) measurements and the mania of the stock market are replaced by the codification of human ideas such as happiness, comfort, contentment, and peace. Lifestyles must downshift, the environment must be properly cared for, and social inequality must be redirected toward oblivion.
Economic growth has outstripped humanity's ecological limits. The key to a better future lies in a systemic transition to a "steady-state" economy. In Enough Is Enough, Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill build a blueprint for such an economy, lacing their arguments with optimism tempered by a palpable sense of urgency.
• The pursuit of "more" is jeopardizing humanity's future. The exponential growth of economic activity is destroying the biosphere and fostering a host of social ills.
• An "economy of enough" can save the planet and rectify systemic societal problems. Economic models that do away with the growth imperative can reverse environmental degradation and foster better standards of living, cultural advancement, and greater human happiness.
• In order to establish an economy of enough, a number of significant changes need to take place. A steady-state economy demands limits on resource use, a stable population, fair wealth distribution, reformed financial systems, new definitions of progress, meaningful employment, and a change in the way commerce is conducted
• An economy of enough must make its case in the court of public opinion. Changing consumer mentality and behavioral excess requires engagement from the classroom, the editorial page, and the voting booth.
• This type of economy can be realized, but the time for action is now. The current trajectory of the global economy is unsustainable. A brave new world requires a brave new game plan.
Enough Is Enough by Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill provides a scathing critique of economic excess, linking the pursuit of "more" to environmental degradation and a host of social ills. It functions as a blueprint for a just, verdant society, provides a comprehensive overview of the fight for a sustainable future, and offers a variety of different ideas and initiatives to begin the transition to a steady-state economy. Key points are supplemented by charts, illustrations, graphs, and extensive reference, notes, and index sections. The book is ideal for politicians, economists, or anyone interested in sustainable economic theory and ecologically friendly development. The chapters are sequential, so the book is best read from cover to cover.

Leading a Business the Starbucks Way

The Starbucks brand is recognized and celebrated around the world. This special status and the sustainable profits at its core arise from a set of leadership principles that prioritize long-term emotional bonds and human relationships over short-term transactions. In Leading the Starbucks Way, organizational consultant Joseph Michelli distills these principles and explains how they have been operationalized and expanded over time. Most importantly, any organization can learn from Starbucks how to build powerful connections with customers, employees, and other stakeholders-connections that can infuse commerce with passion, trust, integrity, and even love.
Starbuck's is one of the world's most successful global brands. Its leadership has developed and honed a set of five strategic and executional principles that have driven its phenomenal growth and helped it recover from serious setbacks during the economic downturn of the mid-2000s. Joseph Michelli describes each of these principles and encourages leaders to use them to fuel the growth of their own organizations:
• Savor and elevate. Starbucks leaders communicate and demonstrate a personal passion for their product, fueled through training, rituals, and on-the-job experiences. They inspire employees to deliver products and services not just at a consistent level of excellence, but also with a powerful human touch.
• Love to be loved. By modeling and committing to integrity, Starbucks leaders aim to win the trust of employees and other stakeholders. Then they leverage the trust of their partners to develop deep human connections-indeed, bonds of love-with every customer.
• Reach for common ground. Even in a highly diverse international marketplace, there are certain universal human desires: for example, attention, appreciation, and community. Starbucks uses these commonalities to build connections with maximum global appeal; at the same time, the company understands how to localize products and environments to demonstrate cultural sensitivity and relevance.
• Mobilize the connection. Starbucks applies digital, social, and mobile tools to improve the in-store experience and to serve consumers wherever they are-encouraging exploration of Starbucks offerings across multiple channels.
• Cherish and challenge your legacy. Starbucks leaders continually renew the entrepreneurial spirit that fueled the company's original success. They are unafraid to experiment, innovate, and take chances to increase the relevance and uniqueness of the brand, and ultimately to define a long-term economic and cultural legacy.
Joseph Michelli shows how a company can build deep, lasting relationships with its customers and other stakeholders and why those human connections are the key to sustainable profits. The book also demonstrates the power of product passion and authenticity in helping to overcome significant business challenges.
Every chapter concludes with a list of "Connecting Points" that generalize from Starbucks' needs and capabilities to those of other organizations. Together with suggested exercises in call-out boxes called "Refection on Connection," this extra material enhances the book's usefulness to readers and makes it particularly relevant to entrepreneurs, brand managers, and human resource professionals. The book should be read cover to cover, as the chapters and concepts build on each other. There is also a bibliography and index.

Business Book Summary of Leadership 2030

In Leadership 2030, Georg Vielmetter and Yvonne Sell provide a road map of the broad trends that are reshaping markets, cultures, and companies. Based on research with the Hay Group, a global management consultancy, they offer insights into six megatrends: the shift of economic power to Asia, the escalating war for talent, environmental crisis, eroding customer and employee loyalty, the melding of private and working lives, and technological convergence. The authors show how these self-reinforcing trends demand enlightened leadership with the skills to engage an ever-widening circle of stakeholders. Gone are the days of the egocentric, alpha-male leadership. To survive the megatrend storm leaders will have to provide workers with greater autonomy while finding ways to respond to the unique needs of every customer.
The authors explain that there are six big changes are afoot that will reshape the demands of leadership going forward. Ranging from evolving cultural attitudes to environmental degradation, these "megatrends" will eliminate leaders who fail to adapt.
1. Globalization in the future will be more about power shifting to Asia than it has been in the past. The growing middle class in many developing nations will create new opportunities, but also challenges as multinationals try to serve highly localized markets.
2. Climate change will drive resource scarcity, forcing leaders to fundamentally rethink their operations.
3. Rising affluence will drive demand for customized products. Just as consumers seek out more individualized experiences, so too will employees whose work need not be restricted by time and place.
4. The digital era will shift power to consumers and workers, away from traditional management structures. Already, the digital world is blurring the line between personal and professional lives, while increasing organizational transparency.
5. The aging population will shrink the workforce and require leaders to cope with intergenerational workplaces.
6. Several cutting-edge technologies will converge to open new markets. Nanotechnology and biotechnology especially will challenge leadership to invest in R&D programs and to respond effectively to societal worries.
Traditional, alpha-male leadership is ill suited to this new era. Instead, leaders should focus on becoming more "altrocentric," empowering others as a way to empower themselves and their organizations. Developing altrocentric leadership begins by leaders asking themselves questions about style and goals. Are they:
• Truly open and curious?
• Able to engage colleagues in making meaning rather than simply presenting one-way narratives?
• Providers of bounded autonomy?
• Creators of loyalty and managers of the organization's reputation?
• Willing to collaborate with partners inside and outside of the company?

Business Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs

Having a great idea and the motivation to strike-out on your own is a good first step in pursing the feasibility of a business. However, it takes more than motivation and a great idea to get things started. This article will reveal some of the simplest considerations that most would-be business-owners overlook.
The very first thing that should not fall under consideration is venturing out on your own without the proper tools beyond the scope of a great idea. According to statistics provided by the Small Business Administration, over 90% of small businesses fail due to a lack of planning. How many times have you heard or witnessed individuals that sat up over a weekend and wrote a stellar business plan then headed out on Monday morning to seek funding or investors? Impatience is the second thing that needs management. So often "I am tired of working for someone else" is the premise for people to start a business. This frame of mind will almost ensure failure because this approach to business involves looking backwards at getting out of a bad situation.
There is a prevailing philosophy that has to evolve, "Not all people are cut-out to become business-owners". This is a harsh reality to face in a country such as the United States that prides itself on autonomy and ownership. Starting a business requires a commitment that may or may not pay dividends quickly. The key threat to small businesses is the initial funding or start-up cost and therefore many under-capitalized ventures hit the markets and get that rude awakening.
Before spending your first dollar a best practice is to do your "free research" on the Internet and in public libraries. Read recently published academic studies on the industry in which you plan to pursue. It takes more than just knowing a certain aspect of the business being that your competition may be more well-versed about the industry as a whole. You may want to ask questions such as "What are the regulatory requirements to do business within that particular industry?" You may want to research about "systemic exposure" or how the rest of the economy could or would impact that industry during troubled financial times. It is also a good practice to review some of the strategies of other potential competitors during The Great Recession of 2008. How did the industry leaders survive jn respect to operational changes and sacrifices. It is understandable that this may take several days or even weeks to accomplish, but by applying the best practices initially you will have a clear understanding of what to expect during certain economic times.
It is essential to understand who are the industry leaders within your business channel and what makes them unique. There should be an emphasis on this because your branding and marketing could benefit from such a consideration. A distinguishing characteristic may be customer service, quality assurance, product branding, or even presentation. These may sound trivial, but think about if you were a retailer for mens apparel and you specifically wanted to appeal to young urban males under the age of thirty. Labels equals status in many of these communities so a nice logo on the item that is visible may assist in the popularity and purchase of your garments. Even though this may have more to do with marketing and brand positioning, this is a must have against the competition.
However, before we get to marketing and branding there are other things needing consideration such as your mind-set, ego, time-line, available start-up capital, and feasibility. After you have trolled through the data and information from your research, the next step is the feasibility study. It is suggested that you do this prior to writing a business plan. In this way you can quickly determine whether or not you can enter the particular market or not and if so, at what level. A common mistake for new business people is to envision competing with the industry leaders. This is an ideal way to go broke quickly. In stead, set more realistic goals for yourself and get the notion out of your head that the Internet is going to make your business global. Facebook and the other social networks became popular because they were free to the end-user first and while trying to figure out a way to capitalize or convert those users into revenue. This would be a bad business-model to follow. Think about your region and the local competition first to see how much it would cost for you company to operate for the first 3 to 5 years without constant revenue.
Again this will require more local research this time on your specific region and take not of the deviations between your first broader macro research and the more localized micro research. The deviation between those two areas may actually become the niche that needs filling. In this way you can actually have a specialized niche within the region and a hybrid on a larger scale. Now, you may ask yourself "Why?" Simply put, the goal is to avoid what others are already doing in the sense that giving a "Thankyou" to a customer in a better way that the competitor is not enough. Another temptation to avoid is the centric mind-set that the business and industry has to behave according to your own belief or philosophy. This strategy rarely works out in a positive way. You have seen these business owners that rarely listens to their customers and as a result they have a revolving door of both customers and employees and the business stagnates and does not grow.
Growth must have a major role in the definition of your business because that is the incentive to attract customers, employees, and even investors. As a potential business-owner you will have to cleanse your mind of working for a company and view your company as your tangible boss. This may sound counter intuitive, but the cascade is like this, the economy drives the consumer or businesses that drive behavior which drives your company which eventually drives you to make the right decisions to meet the demand.
So far you have done your research, and you know how much it will cost you to compete in your local market. The next thing is to consider your liabilities as it relates to the company. You may use this also to determine what form of business ownership will work for you. It is a good business practice to incorporate whenever possible and in some states there are differences in levels according to projected revenues. Incorporating also gives you more protection than a DBA or partnerships. At this point you will learn another strategy that many successful business-owners do, delegate tasks that require professional expertise to professionals with their fields. A good business attorney, accountant, and business consultant are essential for start-ups. This is a gap that many would-be business people fall through the cracks. Another benefits is that these professionals may also assist in giving information that may be crucial in developing a comprehensive business proposal. They can help with the work you have done to reflect the requirements needed.
In review, you have your research, feasibility study, chosen your business ownership type, adjusted your expectations, hired professionals that know the laws and regulations better than yourself and you are ready to get started on the business proposal. Not so fast, "Where are your customers?" You guessed it, marketing research needs to take place for the particular individuals or companies that will use your products and or services within your area or online. One question to ask yourself, "How much will it cost me to contact a potential customer before a sale is completed?" And secondly, you need to discover the best way to contact these people or businesses. The prevailing statistics are that radio advertising a person is a passive-listener and only hears about every fourth word, direct mail only about 9% responds. Signs and other ad-hoc methods vary and television may be expensive depending on stations and providers. This means that a considerable budget may need to exist in order to solicit business. Again, this is another area where many would-be business people fall off the wagon and failure is waiting to catch them.
There is not an exact science to forecasting revenues so the goal is to have a very plausible theory and approach to this process. Avoid the temptation of raising expectations too high as some did in the dot com era for instance and went broke. The increases in expected revenue should be modest and function on the Standard Rule of 10, meaning that expenses should never go over 10% of revenue. Now, there are some businesses with a lower profit margin at 50%, but that is akin to paying US$10 for every US$20 received in revenue. As you can see pricing strategies for your products and or services are important and trying to make profits off of volume only works for those entities with high capacity transactions. This is the reason why 99 Cent Stores do so well low inventory cost and high turn-over of products. As a foot-note the difficulty with starting a business with very low prices is that it usually attracts the cost-conscious customer who is rarely brand-loyal and will use a comparable competitor. You see this behavior in customer that may shop at Wal-Mart, but purchase other specific items at the 99 Cent Stores. The danger in depending on these cost-conscious customers is that when prices rise they usually leave. Therefore, your pricing model needs to be established as feasible to sustain the business based on the value-added customer that you can possibly up-sell items or services. This is essential to your company's growth and expansion.
James L. Adams Jr. is an FCC licensed broadcasting professional with graduate studies for the MBA in International Business and a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology. He has worked as Information Technology (ECM) Project Manager, IT Specialist, IT Senior Business Analyst, Change Management Specialist & Trainer, Java 2 Programmer| Analyst, and Business Development Analyst. James is also a member of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMTPE).

5 Healthy Ways to Improve Your Memory

You don't have to accept memory loss as a "normal" part of ageing!
Although difficulties with memory are certainly more common as we age and can also be a result of being overworked and stressed out, we don't have to idly stand by and accept it. No matter what your age or how busy your schedule is, you can keep your memory sharp by taking some easy steps like these:
1. Strike the Right Balance - The most obvious but still crucially important tip for overall brain health is getting the right amount of rest. When we are sleep deprived, not only is our ability to retain and recall information comprised but also our abilities to think critically, solve problems and be creative.
On the other hand, proper exercise also increases oxygen to the brain and prevents diseases that can potentially lead to memory loss. So get up and take a walk, go for a run or do something aerobic that will get your heart pumping!
2. Manage Your Stress - As an increasing number of studies are done on the effects stress has on our bodies and it is becoming clearer everyday just how important it is for us to manage our stress. Besides leading to a host of different diseases, chronic stress that is left unchecked can destroy brain cells and damage the hippocampus, the part of the brain that forms and retrieves memories.
Practicing meditation regularly improves focus and concentration, increases creativity and increases mental sharpness including the ability to create and retain memories.
3. Fill Up on Good Fuel - Eating a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fats will protect your brain cells from damage and lower your risk for dementia and cognitive impairment. Foods that are rich in Omega-3's are particularly good for boosting brain health and preventing diseases like Alzheimer's.
Some great sources of Omega-3's include fatty fish that live in cold water such as salmon, tuna and trout. Spinach, broccoli and many nuts, seeds and beans such as walnuts, pinto beans, pumpkin seeds and soybeans are also rich in Omega-3's.
4. Take Your Vitamins - Most people have heard that the supplement, Ginkgo Biloba, is beneficial for brain and memory health but that's not the only one. Vitamins B & D can also be helpful in fending off memory loss, as is Ginseng.
For those that don't enjoy eating fish or beans and nuts, fish oil supplements are a great alternative that will still help you to get your omega-3 fatty acids.
5. Engage Your Brain - No matter how busy your everyday schedule is, taking the time to "exercise" your brain needs to be a priority. That doesn't mean you have to start doing crossword puzzles if you don't like them. Anything that keeps your brain challenged and stimulated can increase your memory's abilities.
Play cards or a board game, take a new route to work, visit museums or learn how to speak a new language or write with your opposite hand are all great ways to challenge your brain and keep your mind and memory sharp!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

At The Time of Natural Disasters

 Everyone is responsive to the devastation that natural disasters bring with them. several lose their lives, many thousands lose relatives, entire communities area unit exhausted and uncounted buildings and properties area unit destroyed. Thousands, even millions area unit left homeless, having lost everything they once owned , living beneath open skies with nothing to eat and canopy themselves with. Even when the cataclysm has subsided, the toll continues to extend with the unfold of unwellness.

When calamities strike, we frequently suppose our roles and responsibilities, as individuals and as Muslims. it\'s unfortunate that for many folks, it takes such calamities to create USA replicate on the ability and lofty Attributes of Allāh ta‘ālā. instead of expressing shallow sorrow and a momentaneous shock, there area unit some points that we\'d like to replicate and bear upon, so events like these will cause USA to become higher Muslims for the remainder of our lives:

1. Allāh ta‘ālā is that the Hākim (The Supreme Ruler) and therefore the Hakīm (The Most Wise)

First of all, one needs to affirm in one’s mind and heart that no matter happens, whether or not smart or dangerous in look, is in line with the want of Allāh ta‘ālā. Allāh ta‘ālā is Hākim i.e. He has Power over everything. each single particle within the whole universe is beneath His management. The turning of the leaf within the air whereas it\'s falling from the tree, to the up turning and shaking of the world itself, as within the case of Associate in Nursing earthquake, everything is in His Absolute management. The commands, needs and controls of everybody else area unit defeated to His Command and Governance. the numerous circumstances that one observes or experiences in one’s life are in His total management.

There area unit several incidents and events during a person’s life, throughout that one hopes for a positive outcome through worldly suggests that e.g. once a relative is seriously sick we will hope for recovery by consulting a specialist, beside our belief that solely which will happen that Allāh ta‘ālā has ordained. yet we tend to take the assistance of worldly suggests that to satisfy ourselves and take a look at to rectify matters to the simplest of our ability.

However, once Janus-faced with natural disasters like storms, earthquakes and floods, there\'s no hope of any worldly suggests that that we will use to bypass, overcome or stop re-occurrence of such things. Such natural disasters area unit entirely within the management of Almighty Allāh and that we area unit forced to acknowledge that. so as Muslims ought to|we should always|we must always} ne\'er have unnoticed and unnoticed absolutely the Power of Allāh ta‘ālā and it should are mirrored upon in our day to day actions and deeds.

However, it\'s comforting to grasp that Allāh ta‘ālā isn\'t solely the Hākim (The Supreme Ruler) however he\'s conjointly the Hakīm (The Most Wise). Allāh’s ta‘ālā Governance of the universe is in contrast to that of worldly rulers. His management and Governance is filled with Supreme knowledge and Divine Justice. therefore even in natural disasters, there\'s the hidden knowledge of the Almighty, which can not be apparent to our physical eyes.

2. flip Towards Allāh ta‘ālā in penance

Every person, throughout such times ought to flip towards Allāh ta‘ālā with humbleness, religion and real penance. in line with the Sharī‘ah, common and open disobedience of Allāh ta‘ālā is one in every of the numerous reasons for the reason for calamities like earthquakes. once the land is overladen with the disobedience of Allāh ta‘ālā, earthquakes from at a lower place and violent storms from higher than area unit commonplace. There area unit varied scientific explanations on why natural disasters occur, but the underlying facts purpose towards ‘how’ they happen and not ‘why’ they happen. the solution to ‘why’ and ‘when’ and even to ‘how’, in reality, remains with Allāh ta‘ālā. a solution to ‘why’ has been discovered within the Qur’ān:

(Corruption and) Mischief has appeared onto land and ocean thanks to what the hands of men have earned , that He (Allāh) might provide them a style of a number of their deeds so as that they\'ll flip back (from evil). (30:41)

Incidents like these area unit, as it were, ‘wakeup’ alarm calls from Allāh ta‘ālā. Allāh ta‘ālā in His Infinite Mercy is unsmooth USA through such incidents, so we tend to might mend our ways that and replicate on our transgressions and as a result rectify ourselves before it\'s too late. Allāh ta‘ālā has discovered to his beloved Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, that as long as this Umma continues to repent for his or her wrong-doings, He won\'t penalise them through calamities. Incidents like these mustn\'t be viewed with some momentaneous sympathy or investigated out of curiosity, however treated strictly as a reminder to rouse and replicate on our lives of disobedience. The manner Allāh has the ability to cause calamities in any a part of the globe, He conjointly has the ability to cause a catastrophe here, during this terribly town, within the terribly section of our homes.

Hence it\'s completely essential for Muslims, not simply from the affected regions, however from everywhere the globe, to show towards Allāh ta‘ālā. they need to direct all their attention towards Him and replicate on their lives to search out out wherever the Commands of Allāh ta‘ālā area unit being profaned, then sincerely repent and resolve to adorn their future lives with taqwā, abstain from the disobedience of Allāh ta‘ālā, and observe His Commands.

3. Pray for the Afflicted

Our beloved Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam has commanded USA to support and facilitate the victims of calamities, whether or not they be Muslims or otherwise. the simplest and therefore the most useful support and assistance is to create du‘ā i.e. sincere prayers for the eudaemonia of the victims. Du‘ā may be a terribly powerful and potent suggests that, that is offered to every and each one in every of USA, the one with worldly resources still because the one while not. therefore one ought to sincerely pray for the well being of the victims. One ought to pray that Allāh ta‘ālā offers them strength, patience and luxury which He protects and guides them through these vital times and provides fast recovery from their physical, mental and religious wounds. solely Allāh ta‘ālā has the flexibility to supply the items asked for within the higher than prayers. No quantity of worldly suggests that can give for the loss that has been suffered by the victims.

It is tough to understand or sympathize with matters of the victims. ample them have death hovering over their heads whereas their dead relations lie beside them. Thousands of dead bodies area unit compiled like logs unable to receive a correct burial. Thousands of individuals have lost their sons and daughters and thousands of young kids became orphans. solely prayers can facilitate those folks. therefore dispose of a while from being attentive to the news, reading newspaper reports and chatting regarding the events and bow all the way down to Allāh ta‘ālā, and pray sincerely and in earnest (after creating repentance) for the victims of the cataclysm. The victims actually be our prayers, to mention the smallest amount. it\'s their right over the whole Muslim community.

It is conjointly value mentioning that it\'ll be a gross transgression for anyone to forget their own deeds and begin judgement the victims, claiming their misdeeds to be the rationale for the cataclysm. we tend to area unit in no position to try and do that. Besides, this can be equal to attempting to guess the ‘Hikmah’ (Wisdom) of Allāh! thus we must always refrain from uttering such words.

4. give munificently

For folks removed from the afflicted region, succeeding neatest thing that they\'ll do {to facilitate|to assist} and support is to supply money and material help. The victims have lost everything, their homes and therefore the shelter higher than their heads, their entire belongings and their livelihoods. there\'s a right away ought to give shelter (as a protection from the cold nights), food and vesture. there\'s conjointly a dire ought to give them with medication and alternative medical accessories and provide them with clean water and sanitation.

Alhamdulillāh, Allāh ta‘ālā has given USA copiously, quite we\'d like. we tend to don\'t ought to sacrifice our daily food or vesture so as to give towards the cause. I request all my brothers and sisters to replicate upon the fabric blessings that Allāh ta‘ālā has presented upon USA, despite our not being worth of them, and give munificently for the victims of this cataclysm. There area unit folks out there, among the victims, who, till yesterday, were the patrons of or contributors towards charities themselves, and had given copiously. Now, having lost everything, they\'re in want of charity themselves. Allāh ta‘ālā can inshā’allāh look favorably upon our generosity and take away future calamities awaiting to befall USA. The Prophet s has mentioned:

Truly sadaqah extinguishes the Wrath of Allāh Associate in Nursingd saves from an evil death. (Tirmidhī)

So, as individuals, and a lot of therefore as Muslims, we must always not let this suffering continue while not providing facilitate and support in line with our individual capabilities. don\'t watch for your zakāh to become because of create a donation. the requirement of matters demands that we tend to give everything that\'s in our possession, albeit meaning undergoing hardships ourselves. However, since Allāh ta‘ālā has blessed USA with adequate wealth we all know that we will give sufficiently while not having to endure such troubles. we must always pay copiously and munificently, as munificently as Allāh ta‘ālā has provided for USA. Remember, no matter we\'ll pay, we\'ll do therefore from that that Allāh ta‘ālā has given USA. it\'s His cash we\'ll be payment to alleviate His Creation. The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

All creatures area unit the dependants of Allāh. the foremost beloved to Allāh from all Creation is he World Health Organization treats His dependants the simplest. (Bayhaqī)

Therefore provide the maximum amount as you\'ll be able to. this is often not a time to attend for somebody to return and knock at your door. exit probing for reliable organizations and charities with correct channels, so your cash reaches the real victims and fulfills their desires.
May Allāh ta‘ālā provide USA the steering to be told a lesson from such calamities and grant USA the resolve to vary our lives for the higher. might Allāh ta‘ālā conjointly provide USA the tawfīq to wish for the victims and to give munificently. Āmīn.

Forgive Me and My Parents

Virtues of Surah Kahf

Ashahadu AN Laa illaaha illal llahu
Wa Ash Hadu Pakistani monetary unit Muhammadan Abdu Hu American state Rasooluhu

 however God
who is while not partner, and that i bear witness that Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) is that the Rasool.”
“O Allah, Shower Your Peace stumble upon Muhammad and also the family of Muhammad, as you\'ve got brought peace to patriarch and his family. Truly, you\'re laudable and superb. O Allah, Shower your blessing upon Muhammad and also the family of Muhammad, as you\'ve got blessed patriarch and his family. Truly, you\'re laudable and Glorious”.

My Name is Khalid U.Ibrahim. i\'m in want of your (Du’a) Prayers for ALLAH’s facilitate and Protection. (Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! i encourage of you to Bestow on North American country (the basic cognitive process Muslims) a Home, a Home of Safety, Security and Peace during  and conjointly Grant North American country a Home of Safety,Security and Peace within the ALLAH!) OALLAH! i encourage of you to extend our religion and Devotion, and to Bless North American country with Peace in our Hearts and Souls.(Ya ALLAH!) Please Forgive All The basic cognitive process Muslims,(Ya ALLAH!) Please grant All the basic cognitive process Muslims the most effective during this world Life and also the Best in Hereafter, and(Ya ALLAH!) Please defend us(the basic cognitive process Muslims) from own Nafs, and(Ya ALLAH!) Please defend All the basic cognitive process Muslims from the hands of the Dajjal and his army.] {No One during this World care!} (Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! i encourage of you for the suggests that to try and do sensible, and to avoid evil, and Bless North American country to like the poor, and that i plead you forgive North American country(the basic cognitive process Muslims) and have mercy on us. And once you subject the individuals of theWorld to trial, defend North American country from being full of it.(Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! i encourage of you, your Love and Protection,and the Love of these UN agency Love you, and Grant North American country the Love of all such actions which will bring North American country nearer to you, with our Love and Devotion to you.(Ya ALLAH!) OALLAH! I thanks for all of your Mercy and Protection that you just have conferred on North American country, and every one that you just have given North American country in these hassle times that we have a tendency to face,(Al-Hamdolillah!).

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Sermon from the Dying to the Living

There once lived in Basrah a prolific and deeply religious worshipper whose worry of the Hereafter caused him to become physically weak, and whose constant crying created him skinny and sick. once he was on his deathbed, his family gathered around hiim, and that they all began to cry.

“Help ME stay awaken.” He aforementioned He self-addressed his father first:

“My son,” began his father, “I remembered that i\'ll lose you, which i\'ll be alone once you die.”

 mother and 

 to be compelled to style the bitterness of losing you,” she said.

He then turned to his 

and can consequently have to be compelled to depend upon others for facilitate,” she said.

Finally, he checked out his 

of being orphans
 was his trun to cry. “And what\'s 

“I am crying as a result of I saw that every one in all you cried for his or her own self, and not on behalf of me, he said. Is there none among you World Health Organization cries for the long, arduous journey i\'m near to embark upon, and also the few provides (i.e. smart deeds) that I actually have for it? Is there none among you World Health Organization cries as a result of can|i will be able to|i\'ll} be lying  cries becuase i\'ll be command responsible (and may need to endure punishment)? Is there none among you World Health Organization cries owing to once I will stand before the Lord of all that exists they tried to maneuver him, they complete that he had simply died.

W. Virginia AG: Middle school concealed alleged sex assaults,

Now, within the same mountainous county on the KY delimitation wherever blood was spilled and lives were lost within the celebrated feud nearly a century agone, 2 new sides square measure squaring off over serious allegations of recurrent statutory offence on 2 schoolgirls by 2 male classmates. And there square measure claims of sham investigations associate degreed \"punishment\" that in one case allegedly amounted to denying the suspect an ice-cream break.
The case rapt behind closed doors weekday at the Mingo seat, wherever 2 administrative district officers and 4 college members created their debut during a court for a hearing per week when the state\'s high professional person suspect them during a civil grievance of concealing alleged sex crime at a Mingo County lyceum.
West Virginia professional General St. Patrick Morrisey filed asking for a civil injunction last week during which he alleges that 2 feminine students were victims of sexual assaults over the course of the year at the hands of 2 seventh-grade boys. in keeping with the filing, abuse of the 2 13-year-old Burch lyceum students, additionally within the seventh grade, occurred on multiple occasions between Nov 2012 and should 2013.
The professional general says within the filing that 2 boys would add concert: one would restrain their victim whereas the opposite groped
Most of the alleged attacks Morrisey outlines within the filing occurred at the varsity, aside from a category trip to the metropolis of Charleston, wherever one in all the ladies aforementioned she was raped.
Names of neither the boys nor the ladies are free, however the professional general\'s court filing identifies the suspects as Juvenile one and Juvenile two, and states they\'re each relatives of workers of the Mingo County establishment.
Mingo County prosecuting officer Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu Maynard told CNN that she 1st learned of the investigation last week when Morrisey filed the request for associate degree injunction. She aforementioned she met with the professional general on weekday and explained to him that her workplace should be a part of the investigation from currently on -- and it did not take her terribly long to point out that she meant it: Maynard filed juvenile charges against each of the boys on weekday. She wouldn\'t break what those charges were.
Maynard has not brought charges against the other parties, however the professional general did name one or two of lecturers and directors as defendants within the court filing requesting a civil injunction -- that isn\'t to be confused with the filing of criminal charges.
Attorney General Morrisey declined to be interviewed for this text, however Mountain State State Police Public data Officer Lt. microphone Baylous explained that a civil injunction -- just like the one requested by Morrisey during this case -- is associate degree \"extreme\" judicial writ that\'s created for the aim of restraining the litigator -- or during this case, the defendants - from following any conduct that amounts to harassment.
The professional general created the case in his grievance that he has ample reason to believe that a state investigation would be stymied. As offensive because the allegations square measure themselves, Morrissey says they\'re not why he\'s taking this action; he is doing that as a result of, he aforementioned \"the overall handling of the allegations was inherently blemished and tainted with conflicts of interest.\"
That may seem to be an irony during a 32-page grievance that details allegations of disappearing proof, connected suspects, sham investigations, deceitful and revengeful directors, and refusals to get together with enforcement.
 days, has earned  associate degree unsavory name, due to discrimination, favouritism and a spectacular history of vendettas and public corruption.
In the previous couple of years Mingo\'s law officer was dead, its solely circuit choose associate degreed prosecuting officer each visited jail on conspiracy charges in to extortion. simply on, the city manager of the county\'s largest town pleaded guilty to lying to federal authorities during a workers\' compensation case.
Not even the Mingo establishment looks to be immune from dispute. Court filings cite recurrent samples of faculty officers allegedly protective the suspect within the seventh-grade statutory offence allegations, and claim that \"a relative of (one of the boys) was directly concerned within the handling and investigation into the allegations against (him), and concerned in choices concerning the discipline/punishment of the male juvenile offenders.\"
That investigation, in keeping with Morrisey\'s injunction request, was \"ineffective, non-existent, (and) designed (to) illicit contradictory and/or less inculpatory  statements from the feminine victims.\"
When penalization was parceled out, the professional general characterised it as a mockery. In one instance, for instance, a college official \"\'disciplined\' (the boys) for the alleged abuse of a feminine student by denying them an occasion for frozen dessert throughout broad testing,\" the professional general\'s court filing aforementioned.
The professional general says the issues transcend alleged efforts to brush the accusations underneath the carpet. Morrisey\'s grievance aforementioned Burch lyceum lecturers and directors \"threatened (the girls) with discipline\" to advise them from returning forward, and also the alleged victims were retaliated against once they did.
The day when one in all the alleged victims alerted state police  wrote that the \"bullying\" was really the victim interference her Facebook account from the kinswoman of a coach at the varsity. consecutive day she was written up once more, now for \"insubordination,\" in keeping with the filing.
The professional general alleges that different|the opposite} victim says she was targeted as well: the injunction request states that a high-level Burch official \"retaliated against (her) by removing her from her categories and putting her in other categories that were below her tutorial level.\"
When Mountain State State Police showed up at Burch on April twenty four, the principal refused to permit a trooper to require an announcement from a potential third victim, in keeping with the court filing. The principal \"went more|an extra} step further and knowing the officer work the alleged sex crime at the varsity that he may not take statements from students at Burch lyceum as a result of it \'disrupted the training atmosphere.\'\"
CNN tried repeatedly to succeed in the lecturers and directors at Burch lyceum named within the filing for investigate the allegations, however multiple e-mails and phone messages were ne\'er came.
Jason Long, the professional representing the Mingo County Board of Education and also the Mingo County overseer, free an announcement that aforementioned \"the Mingo County Board of Education is committed to operating with the professional general\'s workplace to resolve this investigation during a timely manner. The hearing these days gathered everybody concerned and opened a dialogue. we tend to take these allegations terribly seriously. Be assured our goal is to form a secure learning atmosphere for all students of Mingo County.\"

crime 3

 Law enforcement has targeted on Hernandez since he was in remission in June. He was charged with first-degree murder and weapons charges in reference to the shooting death of actor, a 27-year-old semiprofessional participant, in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, a few mile from Hernandez\'s home.
On June 17, a runner found Lloyd\'s body riddled with gunfire wounds at AN piece of ground.
Prosecutors have same that on it day, actor was seen was seen around 2:30 a.m. with Hernandez and Hernandez\'s friends, Michael Assat Ortiz and Ernest Wallace, in a very rented silver Nisan Altima.
On June eighteen and twenty two, police searched Hernandez\'s home. Days later, the participant was in remission and charged with first-degree murder in Lloyd\'s death. Hernandez additionally was hit with 5 weapons-related charges.
In court on June twenty six, initial Assistant prosecuting officer Bill Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley same that Hernandez \"drove the victim to
\"He musical organisation the crime from the start,\" Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley same. \"He took steps to hide and destroy proof, and he took steps to forestall the police from chatting with ... a vital witness.\"
Hernandez pleaded innocent , and a choose ordered him command while not bail.
The NFL\'s Patriots then born the end from the team list.
On Th, Lloyd\'s sister, Olivia Thibou, same the new indictment of Hernandez appalled her.
 was on the road, within the prominence, ANd is such an icon, and currently we have a tendency to learn that this is often (allegedly) happening behind the scenes,\" she said.
After the July 2012 double kill, Hernandez continuing to play soccer. throughout consequent season, he had fifty one receptions for 483 yards and 5 touchdowns. The Patriots finished the regular season with twelve wins and 4 losses and won the AFC East Division. They lost to the city Ravens within the AFC championship game.
At the June twenty six hearing, lawyer archangel Fee same that the proof against his shopper was specific which bail ought to be granted in order that Hernandez might come home to pay time together with his fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins, and his kid, then eight months previous.
\"It may be a specific case. it\'s not  had cooperated with enforcement and wasn\'t a flight risk.
While investigators worked, and therefore the former soccer star stayed in jail, the actor case took many twists and turns.
Last month, Hernandez\'s associates, Ortiz and Wallace, were indicted on murder charges in reference to Lloyd\'s killing.
 Wallace\'s lawyer, David Meier of Hub of the Universe, told CNN on Gregorian calendar month eleven.
Wallace pleaded innocent  Th to the murder indictment in court in Fall stream.
Among Hernandez\'s jail guests are his fiancée and relation, Tanya writer Singleton, each of whom face charges in reference to the actor kill, the court papers discovered in Gregorian calendar month.
Prosecutors on Th proclaimed that Singleton was charged with contempt of court of court in reference to the DE Abreu and Furtado slayings.
The jury has additionally came back a further indictment charging Singleton with contempt of court of court, Conley same.
Last October, Jenkins pleaded innocent  to infringement charges when prosecutors alleged that she song to a jury and disposed of proof.


At Thursday\'s group discussion, Conley delineated  the night that DE Abreu and Furtado were killed.
About 12:30 a.m. on July 16, 2012, DE Abreu and Furtado got wind of the Cure Lounge in Boston\'s theater district.
By coincidence, Hernandez and another person entered the club at an equivalent time, Conley aforementioned, adding that the investigation has not uncovered proof that the 2 sets of men knew one another. Instead, he said, it appears that their \"chance encounter\" within the club \"triggered a series of events that culminated in these murders.\"
The victims left the club concerning two a.m. and drove away, unaware, the DA aforementioned, that Hernandez was driving behind them.
When the victims\' automotive stopped at a red light-weight, Hernandez\'s SUV force up beside it.
\"Aaron Hernandez then pink-slipped a .38-caliber revolver multiple times from the driver\'s aspect of his vehicle into the passenger\'s aspect of the
De Abreu, the driver, was shot many times and fatally hit within the chest, and Furtado, World Health Organization was within the front rider seat, was stricken multiple times and gravely wounded with a trial to the pinnacle, the DA aforementioned.
Two backseat passengers on the loose injury and ran from the automotive. a 3rd man remained within the automotive and suffered a wound to his arm, Conley aforementioned.

He 'may have been the shooter'

 He \'may are the shooter\'
Confirmation that Hernandez was suspected within the Boston slayings came once documents were unsealed in court in January.
 was the trigger man in Delaware Abreu and Furtado\'s killings.
\"There is ... evidence to believe that Aaron Hernandez was operative the suspect vehicle utilized in the shooting homicides ... and should are the shooter,\" reads a June 2013 warrant that was a part of the unsealed batch of records.
The warrant was accustomed search a Toyota 4Runner connected to Hernandez that, in keeping with court documents,The warrant gave permission to look for gun residue on the SUV, that was recovered at the house of Hernandez\'s
In warrant affidavits, investigators have aforesaid Hernandez and another man, later known as Alexander Bradley, followed Delaware Abreu and Furtado into the club.
The former star athlete {an|Associate in Nursing|AN|associate Delawaregree|associate}d Bradley area unit seen on security cameras along within Cure Lounge and driving an SUV that had been following de Abreu and Furtado once they left the club, in keeping with court papers. Witnesses aforesaid that the SUV sped away once multiple shots were pink-slipped at the automotive.
In February, the Delaware Abreu and Furtado families filed decease lawsuits against Hernandez, with every family seeking $6 million.
They aforesaid Th they were grateful  that the justice system was moving forward with criminal charges.
 and that they feel as if that\'s reporters whereas flanked by the fathers of the 2 men

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Aryan with lecturers spouse.

Aryan with lecturers spouse.

Men i used to be nineteen, i accustomed go four my maths tuition at my teacher\'s place.he was thirty one thing. He lived along with his spouse UN agency was in her middle or late 20\'s is also. that they had a son UN agency was learning during a boarding. Whenever i went two his house, his spouse was terribly caring two Maine. She accustomed provide Maine water sweets etc.. I likeable her lots. She also, it appeared likeable Maine. My sir was an obsessive man of science & solely devoted his most time dealing in theory or issues. His spouse failed to like Circus & was hungry for sex. However, he thought it absolutely was everywhere for him in sexual life. Circus hurt his spouse lots. 

I came two understand dip once I truly pounced upon her terribly secret diary. I took it from her cabinet & brought two my house. I additionally recognized from it that she wished sex urgently & was craving for one. She additionally mentioned that she wished to own a lady kid. 

There she Maintained regarding me too. 

She wrote that she found Maine cute & hot. The lady UN agency would get my making love are blessed. If ever she got an opportunity to urge love from Maine, she would be glad. She wished to fuck Maine however feared her husband. i used to be joyful as i found her enticing. Her Janis was totally at its peak. I commit to offer her an opportunity. someday i referred to as her telephone and told her to inform sir that i\'d come back nowadays at four. I knew that at four he visited library & came at 10. This was my hint for her, as i had ne\'er referred to as her before. Moreover, for the previous couple of days i knew that she had been noticing wild love in my  the door. She was sporting an attractive blue clear dress and white high heels. Her figure of thirty four twenty six thirty eight came alive in her tight shirt. The shirt finished simply at the boobs and her lehenga started manner below her waist. Her giant exposed tummy and got curvy karma aroused Maine. She asked Maine to attend within the area. She brought water {for Maine|on behalf of me} and whereas giving it to me, she bent ahead to relinquish Maine full read of her juicy boobs. She Sabbath beside Maine on the sting of the seat. I asked her nervously wherever was sir and did she tell him regarding my visit or she forgot. She replied that she failed to tell him. I asked why. She replied that she wished to show that day. All this whereas she unbroken licking her lips as if to arouse Maine. I asked her what she meant and was she jocular. She aforementioned she was serious. I asked her to clarify a theorem. She badly aforementioned that she was serious however not regarding theorem. I asked, what? She remained silent and came close to Maine and control my hand. She said, you\'re my guest nowadays. nowadays i need to require your take a look at. 

What test, i asked. She aforementioned Buddha mat beano mai janti hu internal organ mujpe letter fida metallic element. I knew she was prepared. She stood up and took Maine to her room. She asked whether or not i masturbate and that i told affirmative with a lot of hesitation. She asked Maine why i\'m irresolute, it\'s a natural issue for boys particularly, and even ladies eff, that was data on behalf of me. Then she asked the foremost embarrassing question to Maine that whether or not i feel of her and masturbate?? i used to be shell-shocked and told her no. however she raised my chin together with her hand associate degreed told Maine to inform the reality and do not worry regarding it however she need an honest answer. I failed to account long she persuaded repeatedly once I told affirmative i do. She gave a naughty smile and he or she asked what state of affairs i fantasize? I simply unbroken quiet i used to be too afraid what am happening however at constant time, i felt the erection. 

I simply followed her. She opened my shirt and pant. i used to be nervous however enjoying equally of it. Then she removed my sando. I born her pallu. She asked Maine if I even have any objection & i told no and that i responded by holding her tight to Maine & moving my hand on her back and buttocks. For a flash, i couldn\'t believe what was happening however suddenly i kissed her pressing my erection on her belly. I failed to understand what to do? however i used to be compression her belly, back, buttocks, thighs & wherever ever i will. She took my mouth to her breast & told Maine to suck it & lick on the nipples. She took my finger & guided  two her duct, it absolutely was hot & 
Slippery & she was inarticulate  & respiration heavily & touch my phallus. Suddenly she kneeled down & took my phallus and began suck it laborious. I couldn\'t believe this & such things square measure tired sexual act. She was doing it thus quick & laborious holding Maine near her mouth with one hand, i couldn\'t management for long & i ejaculated in her mouth all of a explosive, she sucked laborious & laborious catching with one amongst her hand & touch it, i mourned loudly & each drop she took in her mouth. She went on suck and that i panted & pushed her mouth out since i failed to have any stamina to resist. I felt too back to seem at her. She took Maine to the bed & told Maine to change posture and that we song down for [*fr1] & hour talking. She showed Maine some english sex book with photograph illustrations and that i couldn\'t believe such poses square measure finished sexual act. She once more started talking erotically & started touch my phallus. She asked Maine whether or not i need to examine her within the lightweight. I told yes. She then asked Maine however long it takes Maine to masturbate and that i told but five minutes. She saw it terribly excitingly. Of course, i too watched it with same feelings. She asked Maine, \"why square measure you troubled to regulate yourself?\" she continued , \"i am additionally terribly keen on having sex. Let Maine see the length  & courageousness two Maine. She came nearer to Maine & took my cock in her hand.