
Sunday, May 18, 2014

At The Time of Natural Disasters

 Everyone is responsive to the devastation that natural disasters bring with them. several lose their lives, many thousands lose relatives, entire communities area unit exhausted and uncounted buildings and properties area unit destroyed. Thousands, even millions area unit left homeless, having lost everything they once owned , living beneath open skies with nothing to eat and canopy themselves with. Even when the cataclysm has subsided, the toll continues to extend with the unfold of unwellness.

When calamities strike, we frequently suppose our roles and responsibilities, as individuals and as Muslims. it\'s unfortunate that for many folks, it takes such calamities to create USA replicate on the ability and lofty Attributes of Allāh ta‘ālā. instead of expressing shallow sorrow and a momentaneous shock, there area unit some points that we\'d like to replicate and bear upon, so events like these will cause USA to become higher Muslims for the remainder of our lives:

1. Allāh ta‘ālā is that the Hākim (The Supreme Ruler) and therefore the Hakīm (The Most Wise)

First of all, one needs to affirm in one’s mind and heart that no matter happens, whether or not smart or dangerous in look, is in line with the want of Allāh ta‘ālā. Allāh ta‘ālā is Hākim i.e. He has Power over everything. each single particle within the whole universe is beneath His management. The turning of the leaf within the air whereas it\'s falling from the tree, to the up turning and shaking of the world itself, as within the case of Associate in Nursing earthquake, everything is in His Absolute management. The commands, needs and controls of everybody else area unit defeated to His Command and Governance. the numerous circumstances that one observes or experiences in one’s life are in His total management.

There area unit several incidents and events during a person’s life, throughout that one hopes for a positive outcome through worldly suggests that e.g. once a relative is seriously sick we will hope for recovery by consulting a specialist, beside our belief that solely which will happen that Allāh ta‘ālā has ordained. yet we tend to take the assistance of worldly suggests that to satisfy ourselves and take a look at to rectify matters to the simplest of our ability.

However, once Janus-faced with natural disasters like storms, earthquakes and floods, there\'s no hope of any worldly suggests that that we will use to bypass, overcome or stop re-occurrence of such things. Such natural disasters area unit entirely within the management of Almighty Allāh and that we area unit forced to acknowledge that. so as Muslims ought to|we should always|we must always} ne\'er have unnoticed and unnoticed absolutely the Power of Allāh ta‘ālā and it should are mirrored upon in our day to day actions and deeds.

However, it\'s comforting to grasp that Allāh ta‘ālā isn\'t solely the Hākim (The Supreme Ruler) however he\'s conjointly the Hakīm (The Most Wise). Allāh’s ta‘ālā Governance of the universe is in contrast to that of worldly rulers. His management and Governance is filled with Supreme knowledge and Divine Justice. therefore even in natural disasters, there\'s the hidden knowledge of the Almighty, which can not be apparent to our physical eyes.

2. flip Towards Allāh ta‘ālā in penance

Every person, throughout such times ought to flip towards Allāh ta‘ālā with humbleness, religion and real penance. in line with the Sharī‘ah, common and open disobedience of Allāh ta‘ālā is one in every of the numerous reasons for the reason for calamities like earthquakes. once the land is overladen with the disobedience of Allāh ta‘ālā, earthquakes from at a lower place and violent storms from higher than area unit commonplace. There area unit varied scientific explanations on why natural disasters occur, but the underlying facts purpose towards ‘how’ they happen and not ‘why’ they happen. the solution to ‘why’ and ‘when’ and even to ‘how’, in reality, remains with Allāh ta‘ālā. a solution to ‘why’ has been discovered within the Qur’ān:

(Corruption and) Mischief has appeared onto land and ocean thanks to what the hands of men have earned , that He (Allāh) might provide them a style of a number of their deeds so as that they\'ll flip back (from evil). (30:41)

Incidents like these area unit, as it were, ‘wakeup’ alarm calls from Allāh ta‘ālā. Allāh ta‘ālā in His Infinite Mercy is unsmooth USA through such incidents, so we tend to might mend our ways that and replicate on our transgressions and as a result rectify ourselves before it\'s too late. Allāh ta‘ālā has discovered to his beloved Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, that as long as this Umma continues to repent for his or her wrong-doings, He won\'t penalise them through calamities. Incidents like these mustn\'t be viewed with some momentaneous sympathy or investigated out of curiosity, however treated strictly as a reminder to rouse and replicate on our lives of disobedience. The manner Allāh has the ability to cause calamities in any a part of the globe, He conjointly has the ability to cause a catastrophe here, during this terribly town, within the terribly section of our homes.

Hence it\'s completely essential for Muslims, not simply from the affected regions, however from everywhere the globe, to show towards Allāh ta‘ālā. they need to direct all their attention towards Him and replicate on their lives to search out out wherever the Commands of Allāh ta‘ālā area unit being profaned, then sincerely repent and resolve to adorn their future lives with taqwā, abstain from the disobedience of Allāh ta‘ālā, and observe His Commands.

3. Pray for the Afflicted

Our beloved Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam has commanded USA to support and facilitate the victims of calamities, whether or not they be Muslims or otherwise. the simplest and therefore the most useful support and assistance is to create du‘ā i.e. sincere prayers for the eudaemonia of the victims. Du‘ā may be a terribly powerful and potent suggests that, that is offered to every and each one in every of USA, the one with worldly resources still because the one while not. therefore one ought to sincerely pray for the well being of the victims. One ought to pray that Allāh ta‘ālā offers them strength, patience and luxury which He protects and guides them through these vital times and provides fast recovery from their physical, mental and religious wounds. solely Allāh ta‘ālā has the flexibility to supply the items asked for within the higher than prayers. No quantity of worldly suggests that can give for the loss that has been suffered by the victims.

It is tough to understand or sympathize with matters of the victims. ample them have death hovering over their heads whereas their dead relations lie beside them. Thousands of dead bodies area unit compiled like logs unable to receive a correct burial. Thousands of individuals have lost their sons and daughters and thousands of young kids became orphans. solely prayers can facilitate those folks. therefore dispose of a while from being attentive to the news, reading newspaper reports and chatting regarding the events and bow all the way down to Allāh ta‘ālā, and pray sincerely and in earnest (after creating repentance) for the victims of the cataclysm. The victims actually be our prayers, to mention the smallest amount. it\'s their right over the whole Muslim community.

It is conjointly value mentioning that it\'ll be a gross transgression for anyone to forget their own deeds and begin judgement the victims, claiming their misdeeds to be the rationale for the cataclysm. we tend to area unit in no position to try and do that. Besides, this can be equal to attempting to guess the ‘Hikmah’ (Wisdom) of Allāh! thus we must always refrain from uttering such words.

4. give munificently

For folks removed from the afflicted region, succeeding neatest thing that they\'ll do {to facilitate|to assist} and support is to supply money and material help. The victims have lost everything, their homes and therefore the shelter higher than their heads, their entire belongings and their livelihoods. there\'s a right away ought to give shelter (as a protection from the cold nights), food and vesture. there\'s conjointly a dire ought to give them with medication and alternative medical accessories and provide them with clean water and sanitation.

Alhamdulillāh, Allāh ta‘ālā has given USA copiously, quite we\'d like. we tend to don\'t ought to sacrifice our daily food or vesture so as to give towards the cause. I request all my brothers and sisters to replicate upon the fabric blessings that Allāh ta‘ālā has presented upon USA, despite our not being worth of them, and give munificently for the victims of this cataclysm. There area unit folks out there, among the victims, who, till yesterday, were the patrons of or contributors towards charities themselves, and had given copiously. Now, having lost everything, they\'re in want of charity themselves. Allāh ta‘ālā can inshā’allāh look favorably upon our generosity and take away future calamities awaiting to befall USA. The Prophet s has mentioned:

Truly sadaqah extinguishes the Wrath of Allāh Associate in Nursingd saves from an evil death. (Tirmidhī)

So, as individuals, and a lot of therefore as Muslims, we must always not let this suffering continue while not providing facilitate and support in line with our individual capabilities. don\'t watch for your zakāh to become because of create a donation. the requirement of matters demands that we tend to give everything that\'s in our possession, albeit meaning undergoing hardships ourselves. However, since Allāh ta‘ālā has blessed USA with adequate wealth we all know that we will give sufficiently while not having to endure such troubles. we must always pay copiously and munificently, as munificently as Allāh ta‘ālā has provided for USA. Remember, no matter we\'ll pay, we\'ll do therefore from that that Allāh ta‘ālā has given USA. it\'s His cash we\'ll be payment to alleviate His Creation. The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

All creatures area unit the dependants of Allāh. the foremost beloved to Allāh from all Creation is he World Health Organization treats His dependants the simplest. (Bayhaqī)

Therefore provide the maximum amount as you\'ll be able to. this is often not a time to attend for somebody to return and knock at your door. exit probing for reliable organizations and charities with correct channels, so your cash reaches the real victims and fulfills their desires.
May Allāh ta‘ālā provide USA the steering to be told a lesson from such calamities and grant USA the resolve to vary our lives for the higher. might Allāh ta‘ālā conjointly provide USA the tawfīq to wish for the victims and to give munificently. Āmīn.

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